2017-01-16 00:00:00   来源:中国生物医药网   评论:0 点击:

耐药性细菌引起的感染是一个全球性问题。耐抗生素(antibiotic)的肺炎克雷伯菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae),为革兰氏阴性杆菌,是一种伺机性感染的病原细菌,平时少量存在于健康人体的呼吸道或肠道中,对免疫力下降的患者会造成严重感染,可引起肺炎、败血症、脑膜炎、眼内炎、泌尿系统发炎或是伤口感染等,若治疗不当则死亡率极高。在欧美国家主要流行ST258序列型,已经成为医院死亡的重要原因。
虽然先前有研究人员认为,ST258克雷伯菌菌株是从一个克隆祖先开始传播,NIH研究小组却发现,菌株是由至少两个不同的谱系引起。研究人员还发现,这两组的关键区别是参与细菌外壳生产的基因,细菌外壳是与人体免疫系统(immune system)相互作用的区域。相关研究结果发表在最近的《PNAS》杂志,有望帮助指导新诊断策略的发展,预防和治疗这一新兴的公共健康威胁。
ST258肺炎克雷伯菌是人类感染细菌的主要原因,被分类为抗生物耐药性肠杆菌(carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae,CRE),在美国这种细菌每年杀死约600人,使成千上万的人患上疾病。大多数CRE感染发生在医院和患者的长期护理设施中,这些患者因无关疾病而体质羸弱或已经经历了一定的医疗程序。
值得注意的是,进一步的分析表明,两组之间的大多数差异来自一段215kb的分化区域,其包含参与细菌多糖荚膜生物合成的基因。研究人员计划进一步探究,这些基因差异如何影响细菌逃避人体免疫系统(immune system)的能力。
Molecular dissection of the evolution of carbapenem-resistant multilocus sequence type 258 Klebsiella pneumoniae
Abstract:Infections caused by drug-resistant bacteria are a major problem worldwide. Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, most notably isolates classified as multilocus sequence type (ST) 258, have emerged as an important cause of hospital deaths. ST258 isolates are predominantly multidrug resistant, and therefore infections caused by them are difficult to treat. It is not known why the ST258 lineage is the most prevalent cause of multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae infections in the United States and other countries. Here we tested the hypothesis that carbapenem-resistant ST258 K. pneumoniae is a single genetic clone that has disseminated worldwide. We sequenced to closure the genomes of two ST258 clinical isolates and used these genomes as references for comparative genome sequencing of 83 additional clinical isolates recovered from patients at perse geographic locations worldwide. Phylogenetic analysis of the SNPs in the core genome of these isolates revealed that ST258 K. pneumoniae organisms are two distinct genetic clades. This unexpected finding disproves the single-clone hypothesis. Notably, genetic differentiation between the two clades results from an ~215-kb region of pergence that includes genes involved in capsule polysaccharide biosynthesis. The region of pergence appears to be a hotspot for DNA recombination events, and we suggest that this region has contributed to the success of ST258 K. pneumoniae. Our findings will accelerate research on novel diagnostic, therapeutic, and vaccine strategies designed to prevent and/or treat infections caused by multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae.